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Choosing the Right Fire Alarm System for Your Residence / Business

Fire alarms are considered and proven from time to time as one of the most important device you can have for a building. Not only are they required by law for commercial buildings, they are also very beneficial for private residences.


Choosing a fire alarm system should not always centered on price, albeit an important factor. Here we list some of the main factors to consider when purchasing one.


Recognize all the possible hazards and threats to your residence/business

It is imperative that you list out all the potential fire hazards that are surrounding the place. This could be exposed wires in the kitchen, or it could be overhanging tree branches that could possibly block out your exits. For instance, if there are abundant wool materials that would produce smokes in a room, then a smoke detector might be the appropriate solution. In other areas where smokes are less likely to be generated, a heat detector may be a better choice.


Identify the dimension and layout of your premise

Size is often an important metric in determining whether to use conventional or addressable fire alarm systems. For smaller sites, less wiring is required and each zone would cover much less area and thus require less devices. On the other hand, a large premise would need a much more complex fire alarm system to ensure all the areas are covered. In this case, an addressable system would be the ideal solution for pinpointing fire without the hassle of searching visually in a large zone.


Selecting the right type of notifications to alert occupants

Now that you have decided on the detection system, we need to select the right type of notification appliance and alert device for notifying the occupants or individuals in surrounding area. In a personal residence or small business, a small sounder beacon may do the job of alerting everyone. In large commercial premise, however, a voice alarm or mass notification system sounder might be more suitable to instruct and notify over a wide area.


Continuous Monitoring of Premises

Another thing to look out for is whether the fire alarm requires constant monitoring. This is especially important for premises that require close attention at all times, such as warehouses or retail stores.


Technical Details for Customized Solution

Last but not least, if you have any special requirement, be sure to look into devices that cater to your needs. For example, a building with tall ceiling might consider using beam detectors to detect fire in its early stage; or a temporary building may require wireless installations as it does not have any mains power.

For any fire alarm projects, please consult with our specialists for more information.